Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Hello everyone!

First and foremost allow me to express my appreciation of your spending the time to read through my blog. I am incredibly grateful.  I am not the most eloquent writer in the world but I'll do my best to provide thorough and realistic reviews from my honest point of view. (The perspective of an African-American woman with relaxed hair and a college student budget.) I will be writing reviews on mostly cosmetics, skincare and hair-care products. These will all just be my own opinion and I am not getting paid by anyone to do any of this. I've just got a lot of time on my hands and I've decided to pick this up as a hobby. I might s well since I'm always testing out different products. My only desire is that you, the reader, will benefit from my own personal experiences. I know how helpful consulting different opinions can be when it comes to trying out new products. Hope this helps!


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