Wednesday, July 2, 2014

BzzAgent Crest Be Campaign!

Pink: Vanilla Mint Spark Green: Lime Spearmint Zest Orange: Mint Chocolate Trek

My mom always said no sweets after brushing my teeth--she never said anything about during! 

I've only tried two of the three flavors as of yet. I thought what better way to test these out than to invite others to join me! I had my little sister, my mom and my dad try it out with me the same time that I did. It became this really fun family bonding time as we tried to gauge each others reactions. The Mint Chocolate Trek really impressed all four of us! There were a lot of wide-eyed and incredulous expressions. It was a total hit! They loved the intensity of the flavor but agreed that it was a it over-the-top for everyday use. So they decided that of the two they tried (yesterday night and this morning) the Vanilla Mint was the most practical. We were impressed that something that tasted so good, could clean so well--speaking of both toothpastes. The general consensus was that with these, you get all of the fun of a kid's toothpaste with the benefits of an adult's. 

Mint Chocolate Trek, so far, is my favorite. I love the way the flavor just explodes in your mouth and engages your senses. I was really skeptical of this product because I thought that cleaning power would be forsaken for flavor--so not the case. I have braces, so it's really important for me to keep my teeth clean and this toothpaste did not disappoint. My breath was still fresh and my teeth had that really satisfying clean feel to them. I love this stuff--it's so much fun! 

Maybe not for everyday use but as an every now and again pick-me-up, it's perfect.

Wanna try it? Snag a coupon here!

I received these products for free for reviewing purposes from

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